September 2020


For In Vitro Diagnostic use only
©2024, VitalScientific, Spankeren, the Netherlands
Selectra Mach5 is a registered trademark of VitalScientific.
Selectra Mach5 product specifications are subject to modification to ensure the highest quality of performance over the life of the product.
Availability may be subject to regulatory requirements. Please contact your local representative for information on the availability of this product in your area.

Measurement area

General information

  • Temperature controlled at 37°C
  • 16 Individual photometer slots
  • 12 Photometers pre-installed: 340, 405, 415, 490, 505, 546, 570, 600, 625, 660, 700 and 800 nm
  • Cycle time 7.2 seconds

Cuvette rotor

  • TPX material with proven quality
  • 128 reusable cuvettes
  • Maximum of 30.000 measurements / rotor
  • Measurement volume of 110 - 400 µL
  • 5.0 mm path length

Cuvette wash module

  • Automatic wash with 4 x 500 µL of preheated system liquid
  • System liquid overflow detection

Photometer module

  • Maximum of 16 photometers, 12 are preinstalled
  • Light emitting diode (LED) based photometers
  • Long lifespan of LEDs compared to halogen lamp (average 20,000 versus 2,000 hours)
  • Predictive lifespan control on photometers
  • No adjustments required

Pipetting & mixing area

Sample arm module

  • 100 µL maintenance free positive displacement pump
  • 1 – 30 µL sample in 0.1 µL steps
  • Automatic preheating of the sample during transfer to the cuvette
  • Liquid level detection (LLD)
  • Vertical collision detection
  • Wash station for cleaning the probe
  • Clot detection

Reagent arm module

  • 500 µL maintenance free positive displacement pump
  • 10 – 370 µL reagent volume in 1 µL steps
  • Automatic preheating of the reagent during transfer to the cuvette
  • Liquid level detection (LLD)
  • Vertical collision detection
  • Wash station for cleaning the probe

Mixer module

  • Stainless steel mixer with precision designed shape to optimize mixing process
  • Mixing after addition of Sample, R2, R3 and R4
  • Vortexed in wash cup for efficient cleaning after mixing
  • Dried by means of vortexing

Reagent area

  • 5 User interchangeable segments for reagents, diluents and special fluids
  • Reagent positions; 65 barcode readable and 15 non-barcode readable
  • Internal cooling unit with peltier elements to improve onboard reagent stability (cooling range: 8°C +/- 4°C)
  • Segments for 90 mL containers (6 positions), all barcode readable
  • Segments for 30 mL containers; 15 positions of which 13 barcode readable and one 25 mL bottle (not barcode readable)
  • Adapters for 10 mL round bottles
  • Positive reagent identification (PRID)

Sample area

  • 5 User interchangeable segments for sample tubes
  • 85 Sample positions; 65 barcode readable and 20 auxillary positions in the inner ring
  • Any position can be used as STAT, control or patient
  • Loading “on the fly”
  • Large variety of sample tube sizes can be loaded:
    Ø: 12-16 mm, length: 75-100 mm
  • Positive sample identification (PSID)

User interface

User interface that streamlines the daily workflow

  • Easily recognizable icons that guide the operator systematically through daily tasks
  • Proprietary “Follow the Flag” colour-coded, hierarchical alert system, so issues requiring attention can be easily identified
  • Capacitance Touch & Slide wide screen, mounted on a moveable arm, means accessing information, navigating screens and menus is convenient under all situations
  • Unique screen layout with dashboard display, enables operator to visually assess status of the system during operations

Automatic uploading of test parameters, calibrators and controls

  • Facilitated by unique 2D-barcoded system
  • Enables a streamlined loading procedure, positively impacting workflow
  • Improving quality assurance by minimizing risk for errors

Computer system

  • Fully integrated computer with SSD
  • Touchscreen Monitor 15.6“, Capacitive touch
  • Operating system: Windows 10 IoT
  • Ports: 6 USB ports, ethernet port
  • LI(M)S protocol: LIS 2A

Waste disposal module

  • Onboard waste capacity of 10 L
  • Waste disposal without interrupting the workflow
  • Up to 4 hours walk away time depending on throughput
  • Optional external waste kit
  • ‘Full’ – notification through user interface

System liquid module

  • Onboard capacity of 10 L
  • Replenish without interrupting the workflow
  • Up to 4 hours walk away time depending on throughput
  • System liquid is 1:400 dilution of detergent in water (ASTM type II grade)
  • Onboard degassing system for optimal performance
  • ‘Empty’ – notification through user interface

Optional ISE module


  • test


  • test