Introducing the BSW Index

Benchtop System Workflow

Benchtop System Workflow (BSW) Index is a different way to compare the overall efficiency of benchtop systems using published specifications. The higher the BSW Index™, the more efficient is the workflow in your laboratory.

How the BSW Index works

The BSW Index assesses the overall workflow in a lab by incorporating three productivity elements of the benchtop system. In short, it is a measure of benchtop speed (“calculated Tests Per Hour”) combined with measurements of benchtop-staff interactions during instrument operating time.

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VitalScientific - BSW Index

Benchtop System Workflow (BSW) Index is a different way to compare the overall efficiency of benchtop systems using published specifications.

ELITechGroup - BSW Index
  1. Sample Tray Capacity divided by the capacity needed to perform your daily workload.
  2. Onboard Menu Capacity divided by the capacity needed to load your complete routine test menu.
  3. Calculated theoretical Tests Per Hour performing your typical daily workload.

The higher the BSW Index, the more efficient the workflow in your laboratory

Let’s look at the following scenario:

A routine clinical chemistry laboratory needs a new benchtop clinical chemistry system.

  • Demand is expected to grow to 300 samples/day
  • Demand requires a menu of 40 parameters3, with an average of 12 tests/sample
  • The laboratory is operational 12 hours/day

A “top 3” of benchtop systems is selected, based on published specifications meeting the current and future productivity needs: Selectra Mach5, Benchtop system A and Benchtop system B. To determine which system will be most efficient, the BSW Index for all 3 systems is calculated. Conclusion: for this laboratory, the Selectra Mach5 would be the best fit.

The values for the Ideal Case and the 3 selected instruments are displayed in the table below:

Top 3 selected Benchtop Systems: SELECTRA MACH5 SYSTEM A SYSTEM B IDEAL CASE1
SAMPLE CAPACITY 83 40 50 110 (C2)
(based on cycle time values)
314 270 216 300
BSW INDEX 0.84 0.25 0.49 1.54
  1. The ideal case is calculated by selecting the maximum score for each efficiency element, from all the instruments used in the comparison, and the desired throughput (in this case 300 Tests Per Hour).
  2. Instrument C has the most optimal sample capacity but, because of insufficient throughput, did not make the short list.
  3. Reagent positions required for the selected menu for non-VitalScientific Systems are based on publicly available information. For the Selectra Mach5, 70 reagent positions are required for the selected test menu.
ELITechGroup - BSW Index

The higher the BSW Index, the more efficient the workflow in your laboratory